Revising History
When Historians look back into the very books and stories that make up the construct of our society, they look back through their own life perspective. As we know, someone looking back at the events of 1968 for example from the year 1969 will have a different interpretation than that of a person looking back from the year 2008. Perspectives change through 'time' and so does the way we interpret them. It is inevitable to look back into history without having our own perspectives influence how we interpret the material.
Revisionism is the ability to change how we interpret history. Much like revisions of a book, this is the case. History is constantly changing. Funny to hear, but very true. For example, there is a book called "The Tragedy of American Diplomacy" by William Appleman Williams. This book is constantly revised along with the state of the nation. It is always being expanded and added to in order to reinforce the presented argument. The same way this is revised, is the same way Historians and Philosophers apply historical revisionism within the annals of History.
As our minds and perspective change, so does the way we interpret old material.
Lets think about it momentarily, within the dynamics of the Civil Rights Movement of 1896-1954 that ultimately roots within the American Civil War of 1861-1865. Back then, in cases such as Brown v. the Board of Education that overturned segregation within Educational facilities, they seem fairly easy to figure out from the viewpoint of one standing in 2009. Integration seems like a logical choice while segregation does not. Our views have expanded and the difference between right and wrong have completely been altered from past popular beliefs .
Facts are facts. But the interpretation of those facts is bendable through perspective. It's important that this realization truly roots itself within Historical Scholars today. The structure that is presented to us is simply that... a presentation. It is flexible and can bend as it is viewed and studied.
We can look back to the Cold War from the viewpoint of our relative year, 2009. We can see an aspect such as the Space Race as positive. If the cold war would have continued, we would have perhaps made it to other unexplored planets. The tension created within that time frame was needed in order to expand the global perspective. Apollo 8 was the first spacecraft that reached the gravitational pull of the moon. First within its history to do this. The Cold War could be thanked for initiating this type of action. Advancement through global stress. If looked at during the year 1968, it was simply seen perhaps as the Americans beating the Russians. The viewpoint back then, simply for our example was seen as a simple competition between feuding countries for dominance. Now, we view it differently.
Sitting in 2009, we might view that Pressure and Tension are ingredients that are necessary to accomplish particular goals.
Let it be noted that History is a living and breathing thing. It is organic and built upon Human interpretation and perspective, nothing and nothing less.
Perhaps History itself is always waiting for one to properly interpret it and will never rest until it is rightfully understood.
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