Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cloning the Human Condition-Philosophy

The idea of cloning is at first perceived as Science Fiction. Science Fiction is a way of sometimes hiding deep seeded issues as fantasy. The very idea of cloning myself, excavates buried thoughts of life and death. Why would a clone be necessary if all life is interconnected energetically? Energy is everywhere and is interpreted through our own life filters and perceptions. Consequently, cloning human’s stems from a much deeper emotion hidden within the human condition.

The concept of death and its falsehood.

We have been programmed since birth to believe that death innately is unavoidable. When humans are born, they are given what is believed the only certainty in their lives, the guarantee of death. This idea is a very deathist mentality.

To clone or not to clone?

To live or not to live?

The fight for life is the human struggle and a programmed part of the human condition. Humans try to understand the body on a genetic level through the logical mind. Which results in some answers, but a thunderstorm of questions. Much like any exploration, once one is too deep into the cave, remembering what the surface looks like is relatively hard. It’s safe to say that it is easy to become lost within the very structure of the analysis being conducted. Another cause of this idea of cloning is the concept of the oppressed versus the oppressors, the masters versus the slaves. Unconsciously this thematic is very present within our society today and stems back to the very cradle of civilization.

If we create something, are we the masters of these things?

The answer to this is found within oneself, the individual. It differs from person to person simply because reality differs from person to person. In scripture and loose notes, the living God has taught us that humans were created in fact in his/her own image. As God is creator and humans are created in his/her image, by taking the angle of logical breakdown, humans are creators as well. We can feel and see that God holds no interest in controlling the actions of humans or any other life on earth. He/She simply allows the creations to live off the land and essentially live a free life. In this relationship there is neither master nor slave. There is simply life and the pleasures of existence so to speak. 

Life is life.

Whether life takes the form of a human, a dog, a lamp, the chair you sit in or whether it’s the computer you work with. Life is formless, it is only the human mind that perceives life in definitions due to the constant need to understand our surroundings with the logical mind. Existence exists and everything is alive. Life is felt rather than seen or heard. Conclusively, the logical mind truly plays a small part in understanding the very essence and structure of life. Life is felt through emotion, not analyzed through logical and conformist thoughts.

Clones are people.

Simply because we have the means of recreating life, does not mean we hold dominion over such things. A creator is by default an artist. An artist respects his/her work. The same goes for the creations we make as scientists, doctors and painters… they must be respected much like God respects his/her creations.

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