Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Recreating the United Nations
The world is a pretty big place. Even within our modern era there are still many mysteries left undiscovered and unanswered. Within our vast globes, there are multitudes of different cultures, different languages, different opinions and different ways of handling things. When one country talks to another country it’s much like two different planets talking to each other. In many ways, they are alien to one another. Bridges of communications need to be built, ambassadors and translators are then sent over in order to begin the communication platform. Without a proper mediator the two countries are left to fend for themselves. Communication in any relationship is crucial and very vital for its health. In 1919, precursor to the United Nations, the League of Nations was formed as a response to the Treaty of Versailles, which was one of the many peace treaties executed at the end of World War I. 2 The League of Nations primary fixation was on preventing wars between countries. It served as a mediating point for countries to settle disputes before tensions escalated into full-blown war. Unfortunately, the Leagues demise came as Europe spiraled into yet a Second World War. Obviously the League had done its job poorly. In 1945 the United Nations was assembled. 2 Its focus expanded not only to promote peace and prevent war, but also to solve humanitarian, social and economic problems around the world. 1 The United Nations became the new world stage. Its initial intention much like its predecessor was to serve as peacekeepers and as the new global center for all nations of the world. Perhaps the world before the First World War didn’t need a center of communication, but as technology advances, the world’s structure must be regulated in order to maintain balance. Communication is key in maintaining strong and healthy relationships. 3 However, the United Nations was built upon a corporate structure, which happens to be its downfall. The UN is a brand much like many other companies out in the world today. Its need for funding is its very own undoing. Money drives specials interests. It is a tool that can be used to sway decisions, buy friends and apply pressure. Though the UN has a ceiling rate so it never becomes overly dependent on any one country for it’s funding, it still does not mean that a non-paying country cannot apply pressure to the UN, in order to sway decisions made to favor said country.
It’s a double-edged sword.
On one hand, the United Nations should be impartial even to money. It should simply act as its intended purpose defines it; to keep peace no matter what, to maintain a positive economic and social environment and to uphold the respect and application of human rights. How can the original purpose of the UN be upheld if countries have the option of applying pressure to the UN by not paying, in order to push special interests? 5 Currency and the idea of needing a budget has no real place, or should not sway decisions in keeping peace within our world. In all seriousness, what is more valuable, a life or a dollar? Ironically, the proposed question will have a multiple of different answers. That is why the United Nations needs to be recreated.
Famed German philosopher Immanuel Kant, whose philosophies encompassed epistemology, history, religion and law wrote an essay in 1795 called, “Perceptual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch.” 2 Within the body of the essay, Kant proposes a peacekeeping program that consists of abolishing standing armies, states not interfering within the governmental structures of other states, and the opposition of larger states consuming smaller states. Kant’s essay served as inspiration to the League of Nations. 2 The concept of perpetual peace perhaps might sound insincere, but in actuality is what most governments strive for in their own manner. The United Nations, though shy to take its respected place as a would-be empire, has never fully stepped into those shoes. For the United Nations, walking the political tightrope on the world stage is a death-defying act. Not a single empire has ever been in a position to expand their influence over the entire world. Though many have come close, none have succeeded. In an attempt to stretch their wing of influence over the entire world, the Roman Empire 27 BCE comes to mind, the British Empire 1497 CE and in many ways the United States in our modern era through economic empiricism. 2 Amongst all of these would be world leaders; the United Nations is the organization closest in establishing a centralized global peace keeping program. However, the UN’s very own corporate structure keeps it from assuming its proper role in the world.
The United Nations is structure with five principal departments. These departments consist of the General Assembly, The Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Secretariat. The General Assembly consists of all member states, which currently number at 192. 1 Membership is open to all peaceful nations, which accept the rules and bylaws within the UN’s charter. 4 Ultimately sovereign states are the only ones admitted for membership. Within the General Assembly the direction of general decisions are agreed upon, but not truly finalized. The Security Council serves the role of peacekeeper amongst the countries of the world. The Security Council enforces binding decisions made between countries. 5 The Security Council consists of 15 member states with 5 permanent members, China, Russia, United States, France and the United Kingdom. While the General Assembly represents the majority opinion, the Security Council makes the final call in all matters (welcome to their club). The International Court of Justice, located in the Netherlands is the UN’s judicial department where criminals are brought in to be tried for their crimes. ECOSOC, the Economic and Social Council promotes economic and social developments while the Secretariat, headed by the Secretary General provides resolutions to international disputes, overseeing peacekeeping operations, and organizing international conferences to name a few of its duties. The Secretariat basically serves as the organizing component for the United Nations. 1
Uniquely installed within the United Nations framework are non-governmental organizations (NGO). These organizations, much of them being corporations are usually not directly representing any specific government. While the NGO’s exclude government representatives from having membership within the organization, their money is always welcomed. NGO’s are usually partially funded by governments or are funded fully by them. NGO’s have attached themselves to the main body of the United Nations as extensions that take care of very focused views. The focuses of NGO’s vary in areas of interest ranging from human rights, environment, and children’s rights to name a few. There are millions of NGO’s all around the world. Millions that serve a particular special interest that they lobby. 4 The NGO’s in many ways are misdirected parasites. They feed off of the UN and sometimes blur the intended vision to push their own.
As one begins to look at the structure of the United Nations and it’s attachments, an image of an exhausted Octopus handling many tentacles comes to mind. The United Nations is flooded by decisions on a daily basis. It appears to have become very convoluted in its practice. Politically and ideologically the United Nations has had an inconsistent track record on handling international conflicts, such as the invasion of Iraq by the United States in 2003 CE. 2 The idea of having 5 permanent members in the Security Council is also an unfair structure. These elite nations having originally formed the United Nations off of the cusp of World War 2, have been sitting in their seat of power for way too long. Any nation can be given a serving time on the Security Council but it is not permanent. The idea that 5 nations have the veto power to make any decision pass or fail is open to much criticism. “The Tower of Babble” is a book written by Dore Gold, a former ambassador to the UN that establishes how the UN possibly fuels global chaos. The book goes off to draw a comparison as to where the UN started, with its purpose to incite peace during it’s World War II years, and how it has become a convulsion of decision making in its current state. 6 The John Birch Society wanted the United States out of the UN in 1959, because it felt the UN’s secret goal was to establish a one world government. 2
The idea of a one world government is a complicated issue all on it’s own. I don’t believe that a one world government is where the United Nations should evolve into, as it is faced with much ridicule. Though the UN has been sitting in the best seat, it has not acquired any real authority in terms of respected decision. The United Nations has become a political disaster that simply seems unfair, the primary reason for this being its political and corporate structure. The UN moves like an oversized company instead of a peacekeeping organization. 5 There are innate problems, which seem to be swept under the rug. In order to recreate the United Nations, we must look at its initial purpose. That purpose without a shadow of a doubt is keeping a harmonious global environment. If we strip down the United Nations right down to the bone, peace is what we’ll find. From here, we can rebuild one of the most important organizations in the world. Keeping the peace is obviously not as simple as it sounds. Somehow the world has become wrapped up with the ideas of acquiring money and wealth. These things drive humans to the point of war and the abuse and disrespect of life. Further more, humans forget that we are in fact hanging out on a spinning globe in the middle of the universe. When we put it in that perspective, our bank accounts seem to make less of an impact in our lives.
Keeping the peace across the board should be its primary mandate. Looking at this concept in a more detailed level, establishing and maintaining peaceful interactions within all of the relationships on the planet is much more complex. We live in a world of relationships. We have relationships with everything around us, including other people, animals, plants, buildings, cars and so on. We communicate with these things on a daily basis whether we are aware of it or not. Relationships are tricky because they are based on understanding and communication. If either one of these elements is ignored, conflict arises. The same can be conceived within the relationships between countries. Proper communication and understanding of another country’s position is prerequisite before interactions take place. It is hard to imagine keeping a steady relationship between countries if we can’t even keep a steady relationship at home. 3
Smaller circles represent bigger circles.
In part, education, or re-education is in order. In order to recreate the United Nations, the foundation must return to the ethics it first sprouted from. The citizens of Earth would require a re-education to reprogram the value and proper communication of relationships. Let’s look at the old cliché, ‘do unto others,’ and what it truly represents. First off let us strip this cliché of any religious connection. Let’s simply look at the words and what they imply at face value. Treating other people in the same fashion that you would want to be treated seems simple enough. It is in fact riddled with its own fundamental tragedies. Under this ethical guideline, we will automatically determine that however an individual acts towards others is how he/she would want to be treated. On an individual level, this ethical guideline would work from person to person. Who wants to be treated poorly unless they were reflecting that emotion already? We can apply this ethical concept on a global level. How would countries want to be treated by other countries? I’m sure a smaller country would not want to be invaded and bombed simply because a bigger country has the power to do so. The answer would takes us to a ‘no.’ This universal ethical guideline would serve as the primary moral fundamental towards a ‘new’ UN structure. The rest, if followed by this ethic, would fall right into place. The world in a descriptive utopia would see a change in interactions between the nations of the world. The United Nations would now see a rejuvenated internal ethical structure. The trick from here is to keep it going.
The aforementioned concept of Perpetual Peace, as explored by Immanuel Kant plays with the idea of establishing a state where all nations form under one empirical banner. 2 Since no one empire has ever endured forever, perhaps many nations working together can. What would keep nations from truly working together is the concept of financial gain from activities that integrate to the caring of Earth and all its inhabitants.
The corporate structure that the UN carries now simply holds it back from taking its center role on the world stage. A mishap in bureaucratic decision making that ultimately leads nowhere. If the UN is the umbrella organization that houses all the countries of the world, then it should share resources and level out the playing field. Of course, the very sound of this proposition is laughable when viewed through the perception of economic dominance.
He who has more numbers in their bank account wins.
Ultimately they are simply numbers.
When compared to restoring our Earth and applying a proper universal ethical structure numbers simply do not outweigh it. So the new UN, much like the rest of the world should run on resource sharing as a form of payment, rather than financial trade. Economic dominance is why the United Nations lacks mobility, it has too many attachments and regulations to deal with. Money speeds things up or slows things down. It is the reason why the UN walks on that narrow political tightrope. To do away with this part will allow the UN to take its proper seat in the center of the room.
So far, we’ve reasoned a new ethical application and payment method to the restructuring of the United Nations. Now we will restructure who runs the United Nations. As mentioned before, the General Assembly includes the one country, one vote rule, which applies to all member states. This assembly however is simply viewed as suggestions given to the Security Council. 4 This is where we can see the holes within the UN’s structure. The five permanent members to the Security Council make room in their private club for ten additional temporary seats. However, as mentioned before the five permanent chairs hold absolute veto power over all decisions and circumstances. So even if the General Assembly agreed on something, the Security Council can go the other way with the decision. The General Assembly should be regarded as the final word, and not five distinct nations. It is impossible to conceive that five nations would lead the rest of the world without special interests clashing and dominating their views. However, if these five nations were to be reset and funneled back into the General Assembly’s new ethical position of ‘do unto others’, then the decision making process slightly changes as well. 1
What is being proposed here is the complete reinvention of the United Nations, starting at its very core by installing a new ethical fundamental (do unto others), how people are paid (resource sharing) for their time and how the operating platform of the UN is structured. From here, the United Nations does not have to walk so neatly in terms of being afraid of a contributor not paying because they are lobbying special interest. The UN can be left to do what it was formed to do, upholding and keeping the peace as a global initiative as opposed to a viral condition.
1 “The United Nations Today.” United Nations Publications. 2008.
2 Blackwell Reference Online. “” 2010.
3 Newman, Dr. Justin. Escandon, Robert J. “Banyan Medical Archives.” 2007 - 2010.
4 United Nations. “” 2010.
5 Dr. Willi Scholl. “United Nations.” (lecture, Miami, Florida, 2010).
Monday, March 29, 2010
Applying Revolution to the Modern World
“Applying Revolution in the Modern World”
by: Robert J. Escandon
Revolution is romantic. It unites and forces change on the multitudes under its glorious banner, much like the armed revolt led by Fidel Castro against Fulgencio Batista under the banner of revolution. 5
It’s romantic because it’s tragic. It’s tragic because at times, many die at the hands of the revolution, some are arrested, ridiculed and ostracized all because they oppose a group that represents the majority within society. The majority by all means is never entirely correct. Sometimes, views and opinions change. Martin Luther, responsible for the Protestant Reformation is a rounded example of someone being ostracized because of his views. Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church because he demanded change. 5
It seems like revolutions happened much more often in the past than it does now. The current state of the world lends itself to a sort of discreet suppression of ideas and/or any type of revolt through military or intellectual means. This leads to make any attempt at a revolution to roll over on its back before any real momentum is gained. As it is, we simply don’t hear about revolutions in our twentieth century world, especially when we are so far from world conflict to actually care or get involved in it. 7
Throughout the body of this text, we will learn how to incite a revolution within our modern world by looking at how it was done in the past, and by analyzing modern tools that can assist in organizing and executing a revolution.
Thematically, most revolutions are born from a particular discontent towards the mainstream ideology. For the purposes of this essay, we will simply refer to this mainstream ideology as the ‘state’. The state can be any type of collected ideology. For example, the United States represents a profoundly rooted ideology, which manifests within the daily lives of its American citizens. The state, by default is a group of people that have agreed to live under a particular set of rules and regulations. This group is usually composed of high profile, respected figures within society. The psychology behind it communicates that if these professionals being, doctors, lawyers, professors and so on, agree upon a list of rules and ideas, then they should be followed. It becomes popular because more and more people agree upon them. If more people agree upon them, then it becomes the majority rule and therefore implemented as the way things simply are from that point on. 8 The state regulates its followers by enforcing the ideas that have been agreed upon.
This is simply referred to as Nationalism. Think of Nationalism as a gang that is always accepting new members as long as they are willing to abide by the rules and ideas of the gang. Nationalism keeps its citizens regulated through media, propaganda, educational facilities, authorities, specialists and other instruments of the likes to enforce the key ideas that keep the state working properly towards its goals. These instruments are the tools of enforcement and in many ways guarantee that the citizens of the state remain on track and passively obedient. 8 Randolph Bourne, a writer and intellectual is of the opinion that the state is led by intellectuals that seemingly care for the interest of it’s citizens while secretly pushing and forcing secret agendas without any resistance. 7 For those citizens who begin to think outside of the laid out path and fall out from the popular ideologies housed under Nationalism, there are facilities that provide further conditioning to get them back on track. Some of these facilities that are used to reprogram the fallen citizens are, hospitals, jails, educational facilities, rehabilitation centers, psychologists, and psychiatrists to name a few. The idea behind this is that if a particular citizen does not agree with the mainstream ideology, there must be something wrong with them. So by natural logic, if the state and its officials feel that there is something wrong with one of their citizens, they send them off to one of these facilities. For the most part, a criminal who has raped a woman or a child deserves to be rehabilitated with a jail sentence, because they are causing moral harm to others. A citizen that suffers from schizophrenia perhaps needs to see a psychologist or hospital depending on his or her own individual needs. These types of scenarios are self-explanatory. But as we can see, every state, country or established community develops special interests, and thus is where the problems usually begin. Before the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro was jailed because his ideas differed from the practiced ideologies of the state. 2
The every day citizen dictates their world partially as seen through the media. The reason for this is simply because humans rely on information from others way too much. Funny enough, Historians, the famed composers of our historic timeline value primary sources of information when in actuality, if the Historian wasn’t there to experience it themselves, it is by default a secondary source of information. If this is the prevailing fact, then the citizen must trust in his or herself as experience dictates life. Very little questioning happens because the citizens are usually kept entertained and preoccupied by the diversity of life, bills, death, illness, movies, news and so on. In our contemporary world, citizens are merely handed information, which they willingly accept without thought. However, the special interests developed by the state’s intellectuals are the very divisions that give rise to discontent citizens. We could see a similar event happen with Pol Pots revolution in Camodia. Pol Pot led an Agrarian revolution in order to return his country to more ancient times, simply because he did not agree with direction the leader was taking the country. 5 This can be attributed to a mere difference in opinion, as which is the case with most revolutions.
A citizen, who feels that the state does not represent them fully, might begin to think outside of the mainstream ideology. At first, they might question why it is that they view society differently from their hard working comrades, and indirectly blame themselves for thinking differently. Perhaps there is something wrong with them personally, as opposed to thinking that there might be something wrong with the system they live in. 8 This discontent citizen might begin to develop a new ideology. Sadly, the state will usually not welcome new ideas that can potentially overthrow the established system. It is difficult for the state to welcome new ideological changes simply because they can be construed as revolution. 8
A revolution of any sorts will face public suppression and most likely be forced into an underground movement. The Cuban revolution of 1959 was an armed assault, but it was in fact an underground, guerilla movement between 1956 and 1958. 2 The years leading to the actual engagement between revolutionaries and government were necessary for the Cuban revolution to stick. These years build momentum, strength and more importantly a structure for the new would-be government. After the revolution gains enough wind and enough followers, the revolutionaries must now decide if they will implement their ideas through a peaceful transition or through warfare.
Throughout human history, revolution has always been present, seamlessly forever cycling through our many great societies. Let’s take a quick glance at some of the more ancient revolutions in order to show how much this concept of revolution is embedded within human life. In 2380 BCE we see one of the first revolutions in documented history conducted within the ancient city of Lagash, which resides in Sumer. Unhappy with the actions of King Lugalanda, Urukagina put forth reforms to combat his corruption. Urukagina’s revolution crowned him new king. This revolution also gave birth to one of the first legal codes in history. From a discontent of the established system, a group of revolutionaries, in this case led by Urukagina not only initiated a change in government within the state, but also paved the way for new laws and for a new way of life so to speak. 6 At times these changes are good and perpetuate through the reign of the new empire and at times they fall, much like the new empires. Regardless, the cycle of revolution throughout human history is always very present. In 615 BCE we find the Babylonians who had acquired an allegiance with neighboring states inciting a revolution against the dominant Assyrian empire. Here we can see a revolution conducted by a collection of oppressed states against its domineering parent figure. 5 The Ionian Revolt that ended in 493 BCE was a revolution led by Greek states whom broke free of Persian rule. The Intellectual Revolution that took place between 600 BCE and 400 BCE, was a pre Socratic period in which a particular speculation over the nature of things occurred. In this example, we see a revolution not against another army, but against the oppressing forces of the natural world. In many instances we see success in revolutions, however, we also see many revolutions, which have been subdued. In 181-174 BCE saw the Celtiberian revolution in Spain, which was later thwarted by the Roman Empire. The Roman slave rebellion of 71 BCE, led by the famed gladiator Spartacus was also a failed attempt to over throw Rome. 6 In 18 CE, discontent with the way the system was running, the Red Eyebrow agrarian rebellion took place in China. It was aimed at overthrowing Wang Mang’s Xin Dynasty to reestablish the former Ham Dynasty. The Red Eyebrow was only one of many revolts conducted under the collective name of Chimei. The world’s human history has seen countless of revolutions throughout its course, some of them successful and some of them not so much. The Great Jewish revolts of 70 CE against the Roman Empire, the Nika Revolt of 532 CE in Constantinople, the Saxon revolts against the King of Franks, Charlemagne of 785 CE and even the Wars of Scottish Independence that were waged between the Scottish and the English in 1328 CE are just a few examples of the revolutions waged throughout history. 5 Thematically, these revolts are all part of a desire to change what is established, for something new.
We can see that the concept and implementation of revolution has been a part of human life for centuries in some shape or form. It seems almost natural to rebel against mass opinion and seek change that represents new ideas.
Like anything else in life, revolutions use certain tools in order to implement the intended change. More modern revolutions such as the American Revolution conducted between 1775 and 1783 CE are clearer examples of a revolutions main premise, ‘change.’ However, the way change is actually implemented is an art all on its own. The Americans in an attempt to establish their independence from Britain, were able to give birth to the republic of the United States of America. 5 Using the American Revolution as a tip-off point, we can see how early use of propaganda influences, empowers and justifies a revolution. For one reason or another, the American colonists had contempt for the British. There were arguments and fights that occurred throughout their time together, but for the most part, nothing too disrupting in nature. When the Boston Massacre occurred, an incident that led to the death of five colonists at the hands of the proper British, everything changed. Five people being killed, does not constitute a massacre in any way. However, the Americans used this incident as fuel for their rebellion. Revolutionaries like Paul Revere and Samuel Adams used the Boston Massacre to inspire those who would normally not join their plight for freedom from Britain. 5 Illustrations used at the time will show an army of British soldiers standing in single file line taking their shots at five helpless Americans. When others saw this illustration, they had no problem to find a little hate for their British counterparts thus innately leading to the American Revolution. 1 We can see how propaganda empowers ideology and the impact it has to those who gaze upon it.
1848 was the year that Prussian born Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel’s published the Communist Manifesto. In many ways, this manuscript was another form of propaganda inclined towards the intellectual. This is important because intellectuals are the ones that develop new ideologies. Ho Chi Minh, famous leader during the Vietnam War was an intellectual inspired by the work of Marx. 1 The intellectual propaganda of Marx and Engel’s researched the theory of how the working class affected society and showcased the initial problems with a capitalist structure. The bottom line is simply that the Manifesto was food for thought for many upstart revolutionary leaders. It provided them with a stepping-stone as to where to start. As most revolutions are based on a particular philosophy or a line of logic, the Manifesto inspired the communist revolution of Russia in 1917, China 1926-1949, Vietnam 1945, North Korea 1948 and Cuba in 1959 just to name a few. 2
Another tool used to implement and enforce revolutionary movements is propaganda. The October Revolution, or collectively known as the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was an armed insurrection led by Vladimir Lenin, whom was the leader of the Marxist Socialist Party. Lenin is credited with having created the very first modern propaganda machine. Lenin’s use of the simple poster was astounding. 3 The posters used to support the need for the revolution were subtle with their presentation, but very powerful in their use of colors and dramatic engagement. Lenin even used postage stamps, sculptures and even marches to enforce the Bolshevik movement. 1 In fact Lenin used these elements of propaganda through the Bolshevik Era (1917-1921 CE), in which he infused the propaganda with revolutionary justification and empowering symbolism. The New Economic Policy (1921-1927), which served as an era of recovery and freedom for the war torn Russia inspired the masses by using a sort of constructivist feel and style. The two part Five Year Plans led by Stalin were used to push Russia into a full blown industrialized country, using elements in its propaganda that invoked a sense heroism and leadership. 3 The Great Patriotic War (1939-1945) found its propaganda reviving the Bolshevik Era through its use of empowering symbolism, inspiring patriotic responsibility.
Revolutions find much of their roots in intellectual pursuits. As discussed before, propaganda is perhaps the most powerful tool in any revolution. Following this logic, a person that does not know that there is something wrong with the way of things will simply continue to live in the manner in which they are accustomed. This particular citizen might be too busy working and maintaining a daily structure and does not have time to think about the things that might be wrong within their governmental structure. Propaganda is used to inform this citizen of the atrocities being conducted by their government and encourages them to join the fight for change. The support of the masses is only as powerful as the propaganda used to bring them on the bandwagon. 2
In our modern world wars are not only fought on the battlefield, they are fought through the printing press, emails, websites, conversations, televisions, movies and any other media you can shake a memory card at. Propaganda is how an empire retains control. Nationalism, representing the collected ideology of its followers reinforces its ideas daily. Think about America for instance and how every car dealer has a huge American flag waving on its parking lot reminding you where you are, just in case you forgot. Television reminds us of what American families should be striving for, the white picket fence, the dog, the marriage and the kid. Through this use of propaganda we are pushed into a dream that never really seems to develop. This type of propaganda is in many ways is anti-revolutionary propaganda. It is used to reinforce and to establish invisible boundaries as to which citizens are allowed to tread on. Any revolution that is conceived automatically faces the inexhaustible propaganda machine. 1
Taking arms and marching in the name of revolution is perhaps more difficult today, than it was in the years aforementioned. The twenty first century seems to be revolution free for most parts of the world. However, it does not mean that it’s impossible. First and for most let us take our lessons from our global forefathers and think about the need for change. If there is anything that needs to be changed, then a revolution is in order. The scale of this particular revolution is always debatable, but is always linked to the justification of the cause. If the revolution waged is to take down an established government like in the American Revolution, then a larger group is needed to incite it. If the revolution is perhaps less involved, such as a change in corporate structure, then a smaller group is favored. All in all, the justification for any revolution is established through either a philosophy or a logical structure of grievances. Once this is established and justified, then the seeds of change can be planted and grown. Once this is done, the information must be passed on to all who meet the targeted demographics. 2 Any who are affected by what the revolution is going against will most likely jump on the bandwagon.
Within the structure of the twenty first century, the internet is a tool that can be used to peak interest. However, nothing can truly beat a statue that represents a particular array of symbolism, even a billboard and snail mail holds more weight than the information highway. The reason for this logic is simple. When a normal everyday citizen is on his/her computer they are bombarded by information. They are checking their email, watching a video, listening to music, talking on the phone, surfing the web and so on. With all of this going on, the information absorbed on the internet is as important as a Saturday morning cartoon, momentarily vital but dismissed soon after the credits. Digital means are supportive of a revolution but are not final nor beginning turning points. Physical real world examples hold more ground because revolution purges on emotional and logical factors. The digital world at times is seen as ‘not real’ and can be dismissed once the computer is turned off. Propaganda is passed around, followers are gathered and the revolution itself begins to face the opposition of the established ideology. If the revolution is strong, then it will prevail. If it is weak, then it will fail. 1
More importantly, revolutions can be conducted in a peaceful manner.
1 Goldstone, Jack A. “Revolutions: Theoretical, Comparative and Historical Studies.” Wadsworth Publishing. 2002.
2 Defronzo, James. “Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements.” Westview Press. 1996.
3 Pipes, Richard. “Concise History of the Russian Revolution.” San Val. 1996.
4 Gaddis, John Lewis. “The Cold War: A New History.” Penguin Press. 2005.
5 Blackwell Reference Online. “” 2010.
6 Harman, Chris. “People’s History of the World.” Verso. 2008.
7 Bourne, Randolph. “The War and the Intelectuals.”
8 Luttwak, Edward N. “Coup d’Etat: A Practical Handbook.” Harvard University Press. 1979.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Earth Machine
Throughout the mysteries and dynamic encumbrances of life, humanity has triumphed over a self-sustaining planet. We have managed to enslave planet Earth to do our bidding. The list of duties goes on and on as we pressure it to provide us with water, dirt, oil, fruits, vegetables, animals, land, trees and many more seemingly inexhaustible supplies. The Earth being a mother above all other things treats humans with respect, dignity and provides without judgment or question. The sons and daughters of Earth in their own respect, and much like impolite child simply takes and takes, giving very little back. One should perhaps think, when enough is enough?
If we were to simply take a moment and look back at this collective history, there are congruent themes that consistently appear within human life. We’ll take the very base thematic of those who have power, those who want power and those attaining power. There has always been an innate struggle to strive for this. Throughout our history without naming specific examples, there always seems to be one group of humans that believe themselves so righteous and proper that they have to destructively transform others into the ‘right’ way of doing things.
Nationalism comes to mind. Isn’t a state defined by its popular ideology? The unification of outward single thought process, while keeping originality and abstract thinking within the confines of the skull. It is outwardly encouraged to be original while that very same suggestion is suffocated from within. This majority rules thematic has been the very cause of much of the world’s discontent. Our jails, asylums, rehabilitation centers, educational facilities, churches, hospitals and so on are ways to keep things in line by placing those citizens that fall outside of popular ideology in for a reboot. It is in a sense, a mechanized process that is void of any organic human respect. A few who hold power, wield to transform others with it. This endless quest for power has led humanity to develop selective deaf and blindness toward key issues. We seek power in whatever form we can attain it and will step on whatever stands in our way. This idea has led humans to stray from the natural environment towards an automated, self-standing existence.
Our world now reflects time management to get the most productivity out of our days. It reflects detached workers that rather confide in machines than their fellow neighbor. A society where the ultimate goal is to increase the number of zeros on the piece of paper one gets bi-weekly to congratulate them for their labors. Where happiness can only be attained at the end of the work cycle through the boredom of retirement.
The mechanical world, in which we live in now, is represented by the ice-cold machines that have replaced the jobs of humans, under the banner of making things easier to manage and produce.
Sounds great, doesn’t it?
The question here is simply the following. What has pushed humanity from a rooted Agrarian society to a travel to the moon and beyond society? In a more natural perspective, human life, much like trees, were at one point rooted to the earth. Humans used the materials around them and that was that. If they did not have oranges in their general area, they did not import them from half around the world. Through exploration, humans traveled outside of their villages to search, hunt and investigate. Through this measure human society expanded and integrated themselves with Earth’s other inhabitants. There was tranquility within the satisfaction of simply ‘being.’ Shortly after, science makes an entrance and begins its contamination within human thought. All of sudden, the process behind all things is important to us. Humans begin to look at the logical explanation to a world better felt within our hearts rather than with out brains. And slowly, as the world is broken down, categorized and placed within the boundaries and limitations of definition, things begin to complicate themselves. Before, when a human that figured out to grow crops would plant them, they would place their faith either in the Earth itself, or perhaps in God. Back then, we didn’t know, or perhaps didn’t care about the genetic structure of a seed. We simply trusted that this thing, once placed into the ground would produce what we expected. The whole process was magical and glorious. Through science, we now know why this process happens. We can logically base our assumptions within an estimation backed by supposed facts. It is a mechanized process void of faith, surprise and belief.
Some will call on science as an evolution. For the sake of this argument, let us call upon Darwin’s theory of evolution. Humans, some not all, will identify this theory as truth in some cases. Placing the word evolution aside, the transition from monkey to man is simply a change. There was nothing wrong with the monkey prior to this change. It is simply something different, a new form of life so to speak. Science in the same respect is not an evolution either, it is merely a different view of the world. The introduction of science does not mean that the perspective of looking at the through a natural lens should be abandoned.
So why has it?
We go back to nationalism and it’s general push to get citizens on their page.
We have a choice in the matter, though it might seem that doing so would mean going against the grain.
Knowing too much is a crutch in many respects. Let’s take the example of the film, ‘The Gods must be Crazy’ in which a bushman living outside of the restraints of the modern world is introduced to an empty glass bottle of coke. Never having seen this object before causes him and his village major problems. Technology here is seen as a great evil with no place in the bushman’s natural world. The film will go and show us a contrast between the complexity of the modern world versus the simplistic nature of societies were ages ago. At first glance, it’s nearly impossible to view this comparison free of our inherit judgments. But, for as unnatural as the world of the bushman seems to the person sitting in traffic in his/her brand new car, the bushman would look at the pre-described scenario as unnatural aswell. It is all a matter of perspective. The things we do, are the things we do. We do them because within our environment, it is natural, nothing more and nothing less. It is for the individual to decide what he/she does with their lives. But within that same respect, we must keep in mind that the world, whether it is the fading natural one or the mechanical one, there are natural rules at play here.
The rules are quite identical across the board.
The world simply asks us for common respect. If we are to give this common respect to the Earth, humans, animals, food and even machines, things would go a lot smoother.
For a moment, lets forget about economics. Let’s forget about it because does it really make sense to steal the natural resources of our planet to turn around and sell them? If the money humans gain from the selling oil for example, is used to by a car, what good is that car when there is no more land to drive it on?
Numbers are mechanical and are very much a representation of how the world has become automated so to speak. Dates, currency, years, hours are all a form of logical measurement. Humans live their lives on the clock, punching in and punching out.
So, is it a mechanical world or natural one?
From what I’ve learned thus far, a marriage of both at this point is the only way for true change to take place. Returning to our roots with machine guns is not really the answer without applying the natural rules of things.
Treat others like you would be treated and the world will turn a lot smoother. Then and only then can we truly find this so called human evolution.
Then, and only then.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Chasing the Same Tails (Tales)
Globalization is now the new market in which capitalist pirates can seize the new economic boom. Since the world seems to work around money, and the goal of attaining more of it, our true purpose has been slighted by this misrepresented concept.
He who has the most numbers wins?
I don’t think so.
We must simply begin to question the very ideas that are presented to us by our fellow mainstream innovators. Why push globalization now? Why not one thousand years ago? Why are we even counting years to begin with? As a human, we are connected to everything around us through emotional strings, strings we are obviously not using. What we feel is very real, even though we have been taught to not trust our feelings and seek advice from so called experts. Feeling is an organic and natural process that has always been with us. If we feel the heart of others our connections to those people will never be severed. But it’s scary to feel isn’t it? Lets think about it this way, when we are born, we are told that one day, past the great question mark of life, we will grow old and die. A malicious factor that has been taken as fact that inhibits us from feeling.
I can love my neighbor, but only 75%. The reason being is that if I love my neighbor a full 100% I risk getting hurt because one day he/she might leave or die. So I limit my love for thy neighbor and for myself. I find that I have created an invisible cage around myself and my heart. I find myself destroying the very thing that makes me, me…. my feelings and emotions that fuel my very existence. If I am the creator of my reality, then all things are a matter of my choosing.
Inevitably, death is a choice.
We rely on the internet, cell phones, email, telegrams and other such devices simply because we are afraid of an emotionally connected relationship. What these devices do for us, we have always been able to do through our hearts and minds, our very own organic technology. Globalization has been around even before the word was invented, the modem our minds, the power our hearts.
So why is it that we are now only talking about this global unity, and only now noticing that most of the world works on a mechanical reaction to the things around us? Perhaps the church has the answer? Perhaps the Psychologist that works within certain measures of nationalism will know? The fact of the matter is that it is placed in our path now because someone perhaps is banking on it, maybe not. The idea here is to recreate the World as we know it as creators. Government and its multiple political smiles are a falsehood of special interests that sustain economic gains. We live our lives thinking that we have limited choices: choices such as having a vanilla milkshake or a chocolate one, large fries or onion rings, a three-bedroom house or a four-bedroom one.
There’s a lot more than just that, and I am not simply speaking about a choice in car colors or the coffin that you’ll be buried in one day. I am speaking about the choice of immortality, the choice to change the world and the choice to truly feel the emotions that we have suppressed for most of our lives.
We have a choice in all matters.
Humans have tried to reconstruct the tools they have already possessed through structures and technology, in the name of advancement. The further we venture passed our true origins the greater the divide becomes. Not only does our world become more mechanical, but so do our responses and feelings to that mechanical monster.
What can we do?
There is not one community out there, authority, specialist that would know you better than you would know your self. You live with yourself 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and so on. You are aware of every change, of every thought and every evolution you go through. Based on this truth, logically it is impossible for a doctor or a psychologist that meets you for 5 minutes to know more about you than you already know.
It is time to give credit to where credit is due.
Time to start fully trusting yourself and take responsibilities towards the world around you.
These ideas such as global unity can serve for a great conversation over coffee but can easily die with the last sugar packet.
It is simply time to connect not through internet or mobile phones… but to connect with the emotions that can and will surpass the mechanistic society which we have created for the sake of advancement. Advancement we’ve been equipped with since day one.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Gods and the Madness of the Human Condition
The Gods Must Be Crazy, a film directed by South African born Jamie Uys is an allegorical journey of how drastically unnatural our technology has become. The film in its essence is a story about discovery and how the world has steered from its natural origin.
The story starts with the introduction of the natives, the Bushmen or Sans people of the Kalahari. These natives survive in the Kalahari as hunter-gatherers. The Bushmen also survive picking wild berries and other methods of gathering water and such. One day, the pilot of a passing plane decides that after drinking a thirst quenching ‘Coke’ it’s better to throw it out the window than recycling it. This empty bottle of ‘Coke’ becomes the trigger reaction to one mans epic journey of curiosity and discovery.
Like who have seen this particular film, the story is self-explanatory. It draws a comparison between technically advanced civilizations and the non-technically advanced civilizations. At first thought one would immediately think that a civilization that has not been introduced to technology would be backwards. But is that truly the case? For example, giving a person of lesser intelligence a wrist watch that can calculate the most complex math within seconds, tell you your exact location in the world and even tell you the perceptual calibrations of the sun does not necessarily make this person smarter or by any means more advanced than the next. In fact, the chance that this technology is actually used for its intended purpose is slim. Imagine a baby being sat down with no one around to explain to them what a ‘jack-in-the-box’ is supposed to do. This baby would sit down and investigate the box, pound on it, shake it and throw it. As the baby builds his/her understanding of what this mysterious box is without prior explanation, something wonderful happens….
They form their own reality of what the use and purpose of this box actually is. What if they eventually discover the handle and begin to turn it? A few seconds of careful turning would reveal this painted figure popping out of the box at the baby.
What then?
The baby, following his/her natural inclination will make a self-determining judgment as to what this thing truly is. It will decide whether it is evil, good or neutral. This process is by far more interesting. I mean, lets think about it. From the moment that the human being is launched into this layer of reality, he/she is told what things are and what these things do. It is in fact a matter of suggestive perceptions that construct most human’s lives. These suggestions, being simply suggestions are taken as fact without question. Others give us the unwanted gift of their limitations. We simply take them as truth and never question them.
Everything is multi-dimensional.
Now, technology necessarily does not make situations better. In many ways, technology takes what already has a natural structure and dismantles it hoping that in the reconstruction of such a structure it can make it better.
Hope is nice and essential, but if a society or thought is not broken why would it need to be fixed? This ironically is the main problem with technology and forced advancement (evolution for the sake of evolution).
The bottle (technology) when introduced to the Sans people is welcomed at first. However, eventually this technology brings the Sans people a particular sense of disruption in the form of jealousy and anger. The bottle is then viewed as a great evil and is taken from the village to be destroyed.
Much like the baby analyzing the jack-in-the-box, the Sans people, void of any suggestive measure interpreted the bottle as something they did not need nor want.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could simply make decisions on our own natural inclination versus the forced inclination of others?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
“The Progression of Human Thought in the 50’s and 60’s”
Spiraling through World War I and II, the United States of America found themselves in a silent war filled with threats, espionage and a race to establish themselves as a superior world power. The Cold War all on it’s own engaged the US to begin a forward thought process that would eventually open their awareness to think outside of the proverbial box. The Cold War was a global scenario that pushed the multinational citizens of Earth to reconsider their approach and overall view of life. Lets think of it this way, World War II, was quite straightforward in terms of categorizing the bad guys from the good guys. The Allied forces were seen in its majority as the good guys and the Axis powers were seen as the bad guys. There was an overall air that the collected nations stood against Germany in their advance of achieving world domination. The thinking at this point was very straight forward even in terms of how the enemy would attack and what strategies would be used to thwart their efforts. Upon Germany’s defeat, the world found itself in the clutches of the Cold War, allies soon turned into enemies and the methodology of how to implement and execute a silent war went into effect, and thus human awareness began to escalate and build. This catalyst began in 1945, would be the encouraged the worlds people to think about their circumstances a little differently.
1955 introduced the world to Herbert Marcuse’s work entitled Eros and Civilization. This book, fundamentally is a logical marriage between the philosophies introduced by Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. 1 The composition argues that the very nature of capitalism is an instrument that is used to prevent society from reaching its expected non-repressive plateau. Marcuse states that there is a defined struggle between what is known as human instinct (common sense) and the repressive nature of social standpoint. 1 The breakdown of our society in the eyes of Marcuse is as follows; there is a major conflict between workers and the capitalists that put them to work. 1 The problem has and always will remain within the philosophical practices of capitalism. However, this idea of capitalism has many forms, one of them being the idea of a segregated United States. African Americans for a long time were simply viewed as labor and nothing more. Within this viewpoint, African Americans were often viewed as instruments rather than human beings; expendable and for the most part inferior to their capitalist masters. Repression is part of histories repetitive cycles, but within the stage of the 50’s and 60’s it was one that would be challenged and ultimately changed.
Coincidentally, the American Civil Rights Movement began in 1955. African Americans introduced the fight for equality through non-violent means. On it’s own, the choice to express their discontent in a peaceful fashion perhaps confused the White segregationists that probably expected a violent rebellion. The White segregationists were most likely prepared to fight off the rebellion of their slaves using guns and violence were bested with a rebellion based on intellect and strategy. African Americans and their leaders used demonstrations such as boycotts, marches, speeches and a general attack on the flaws of the very system of America and the illusion of its freedom. As the human expansion continued, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination within areas of public accommodations and employment. 2 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was followed by the Voting Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965. 2
White segregationists saw the world as equal and fair before the American Civil Rights movement began. Their perspective of the reality that surrounded them was one justified by what they perceived the truth to be. However, as the saying goes, there are two sides to every coin, and the African American side of this particular coin did not share the same perspective.
Change was needed.
In order to expand, change is required. Without change, a human being cannot hope to expand and learn. Without change, a stagnation of life occurs. While change is always thought about and mentally welcomed, the true motion of change is often repelled. 3 This primarily deals with Human comfort zones and how we will do everything in our power to remain within them. An all out war between the United States and the USSR would have easily answered the question of who was more powerful in a faster manner. The same can be said about the White segregationists and the African Americans involved with the Civil Rights Movement. However, while violence would have declared a victor faster, the time period of the 50’s and 60’s promoted a different type of wind. The world hot off the hells of World War II required a different approach to the presented problems. The world was unknowingly developing a multi-angled view of the world and of life itself.
After being involved with the Vietnam War for 3-years of endless battles, 1968 introduced the American’s to North Vietnam’s Tet Offensive. On January 31st, the Tet Offensive took place and was a major turning point in the Vietnam war. The day was declared to be a cease fire due to a national holiday. However, things did not go exactly as planned when the North Vietnamese commenced the unexpected attack. It demonstrated to the US that the so-called enemies were not only well equipped, but also far smarter than the US had anticipated. The affect of this attack was not in the actual physical fight, but rather the involvement of the media throughout this matter. For the first time ever, families in the United States had the privilege of watching slaughtered bodies on prime time television. Thousands of families watched as the bodies of dead soldiers from both sides of the lines were seen and presented to a public audience. In a way, the North Vietnamese won the war because of the outcome that ensued after the offensive. For the first time, the war was real and President Johnson was then faced with a very unhappy American public. 4 Ho Chi Minh, the leader of the North Vietnamese forces, was a misunderstood countryman that within his justification, wanted the French out of Vietnam in order for the Vietnamese to lead the country themselves. 5 Ho Chi Minh was well aware of the political and social dilemmas within the US during this time period. The information highway of the time was television, and through television the American public was swayed to turn against their own government, as they rallied for the troops to come back home.
Information is power.
Within the United States, the justification for the war was to suppress communism. This was the main idea for the US, to stop the red threat. That’s why the USA joined France against the North Vietnamese. It is the same reason, why the US was involved in the Korean War, and why they stood against the small country of Cuba. They were fighting the red spread. If one looks at the Communist Manifesto by Marx, it strictly states the perfect conditions for a true communist state. A country that is ripe for communism is one that the middle class holds the majority of power within an industrialized state. 6 The process of industrialization took Europe almost 150 years to achieve within its own Industrial Revolution. 7 These other countries that claimed communism, China, North Vietnam, USSR and Cuba were in reality using a version of communism that they adapted to their own construct. While the seeds were dropped, the cultivation of such a system would never truly reach its true form. However, such an understanding could only be realized by stepping in the shoes of another, something perhaps that the US was not entirely ready for, or was it?
2001 a space odyssey was a film directed by the great Stanley Kubrick, which depicted the ascension of man through the known world and into the unknown space around us. The film was released in 1968 and marked an eye-opening spectacle of the senses. Before this, there was nothing quite like it. This film exercised the thematic of this time period perfectly, the exploration of the new. Art represents life and life is represented within art. As the space race continued within the frostbite of the Cold War, the Americans, very anxious to beat the USSR to the moon launched their Apollo 8 shuttle, which was the first manned vessel to leave the gravitational pull of the Earth. 8 Life representing art and art representing life took on a whole new meaning. The base mechanics of the Cold War and the achievements of the US thematically relied on establishing the undeniable power of one country over another.
This time period was one filled with questions. Black Panthers alongside Hippies questioned the systematic structure of US society and politics. In a book written by Alan Watts entitled ‘The Book on the Taboo Against knowing Who You Are’, he illustrates that the very nature of man is one based on the conflict between the illusion of the self and the ego. 9 Humans are always looking for the ultimate answer to life and the question of origin. Alan Watts, who published this book in 1966, worked with the concept of the universal whole. The universal whole is an idea that consists that everything in existence is interconnected and is actually one in the same. It provides one with an unannounced respect for all things around us and within us. The idea developed within Watts book, is one that encapsulates the signs of the time. In this irrevocable understanding, ego is the true enemy. Lets look at this theory within the construct of the Cold War. If this philosophy were to be introduced to that scenario, the US and the USSR would see that they are a part of one planet. Within this one planet, it is better to live in harmony versus a futile attempt at demonstrating who’s more powerful. The struggle for power is a meaningless entry, but within a male modality, it is an extremely challenging detail to change. 3
This era in American History is the catalyst for everything that is experienced in modern day. It shows how innovative human thought has become in comparison to the 50’s and 60’s. It is a growth within itself not only intellectually, but spiritually as well. The thematic of being part of a whole is one that is still exercised in many circles today. It is what the Civil Rights Movement was fighting for, what the North Vietnamese were trying to express and one that is still an important aspect in human life today. If we truly saw ourselves as a sum of whole, which is simply divided into different aspects, we would be able to truly live within a harmonious understanding. But the seeds planted back then are still being cultivated today. Much like it was back then, patience and the understanding of the different perceptions and justifications with our world are very much needed and in full effect.
“Cutting Through Health” - The Effects of Male and Female Modalities on its Patients
It was a beautiful near perfect day. A boy by the name of Steven was riding his bike along with two of his friends, a girl named Alice and another boy. The smell in the air stamped the day with a peculiar odor. The trio passed through the comforting shades of residential streets into the sun beaten roads that spill into the overcrowded beaches. Taking a shortcut down an empty construction site, they felt the sea breeze against their faces as they hurried to reach the water. Quickly tired from the rush, the trio stopped for a small, momentary break. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a car speeding through the supposed empty lot was heading straight towards them. Steven, with seconds to spare pushed Alice out of the way of the car and took the hit to save her. The car, which was later discovered to have been going over 55 mph smashed against Steven. Upon impact, Steven flew into the air and smashed the left side of his head against a concrete pole and fell to the ground. 1 This moment, lasted forever. The other boy, quickly rushed over to Steven as did Alice to check their friend. Steven felt no pain. The shock of the accident immediately sent him into a state of numbness. His body was practically destroyed. Alice, crying over the body of her friend, thanked him over and over for his sacrifice. The other boy called the 911 and pleaded for help. Steven smiled and kept asking Alice if she was okay. Eventually, Steven closed his eyes and the world he knew and loved, disappeared. 3
On the way to the hospital he died twice. 1
Steven was taken to the trauma center of a Hospital, in which he had the second highest number of tubes (10) inserted within a human body and survived, the leader having 11 for the purposes of draining, feeding and respiration. 1 During his subsequent 9-month coma, he received slight physical therapy at the persistence of his mother, who found herself visiting her son everyday. The Doctors wrote him off and moved on, but his mother did not. Her patience brought her to see her son emerge from the coma. As bittersweet poetry goes, Steven immediately asked if Alice was safe, not knowing how much time had truly passed. Steven’s mother, overjoyed to see her son’s eyes open once again, knew that the hardest part was still ahead of him. The moment of joy transitioned into a dark new reality, from what he had remembered. His friend Alice, tired of waiting for Steven to wake up, moved away and forgot about him. The other boy did the same. If it weren’t for his mother, the world would have seemingly forgotten the heroic actions of this boy. Steven had lost the ability to stand or walk. In addition, he lost his basic gross and fine motor skills from the left side of his body, experienced atrophy, memory loss, constant tremors, moodiness, depression, and other difficulties associated with overall brain damage. Steven had reached the proverbial rock bottom and only had the long, desolate road of recovery ahead of him. 1
Steven’s road to recovery had many obstructions. The first and most powerful obstacle was the very healthcare system that had brought him back to life. Typically, traditional western Hospitals are dominated by a male modality and philosophy. This method consists of a rough and detached mentality that deliberately relies on the techniques of hunting the problem, cutting, and extraction of the problem. Steven went through a series of different Doctors during this ordeal. Just to name a few, he saw a Podiatric Surgeon, Neurologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Family Primary Care Physicians and many others. All who diagnosed Steven concurred that he had reached maximum medical improvement.
Early in our recorded history, there was man and woman. The need to survive through the consumption of the things around us was dominant. Men, were responsible for exploring the world around them. As men explored, they hunted and extracted their prey from the natural world in order to bring the game back to their villages to consume. Man kills and dominates nature. This practice of hunting and extracting never really stopped for men, it simply evolved. The hunter-extraction methods were adapted to mostly all industries in which man is involved. We can see heavy practice of these methods within the western medical industry. There is a patient expressing symptoms, the Doctor addresses the symptoms and hunts down the infection or the cause of the symptom. From there, the cause of whatever ails the patient is extracted, burnt, cut out and blasted away through the use of pills, injections or surgery. The male modality of healthcare does not truly care for the patient itself. It simply cares for the self-serving achievement of the conquest. 2 If the Doctor is successful, then he/she is praised in some fashion. If the Doctor fails, then he/she denounces the patient as incurable. The male modality is cold and uncaring. It does not express the emotions of the heart. Take for instance something called bedside manners. In the case study of Steven and his accident, the mother expressed that the bedside manners of some of the Doctor’s were poor, as they constantly spoke about him in third person and often making statement about how he would never recover. 1 A Doctor in western society is placed on a pretty high authoritative level. Usually, most think that the Doctor’s words are final. With this being the case, wouldn’t the most important and critical factor in recovery be the bedside manner of the physician? Think about this through the eyes of a child. You develop a cold and begin to feel horrible. Dad walks in the room and tells you to buckle up and sweat it out, while mom brings you a cup of hot soup, brushes your hair and hugs you. Dad leaves to work and mom stays with you throughout the day to make sure you get better.
A typical dad simply might not get it. The child, much like the patient needs attention. They need to be supported and reinforced, not reprimanded and broken down.
Steven, was reprimanded and broken down. Throughout his time in the hospital, he was told that he would never walk again and would live the rest of his life partially alive so to speak. 1 The bedside manner expressed by the Doctors towards Steven psychologically impacted him in ways that the Doctors themselves would never know. Their words and lack of support were planted within Steven’s mind and began to sprout roots. Steven constantly expressed to his mom and his physical therapists that he would never be able to walk or be normal. When asked where he got these ideas from, he responded that the Doctors told him so and that they were always right. 3
Seven years later, Steven’s toes began curling up due to lack of movement, giving him great discomfort in his legs and feet. Steven’s Podiatric surgeon proposed to make multiple slices in his Achilles tendon hoping to achieve a greater range in motion and insert steel rods into his toes in order to permanently straighten them out. 1
Before Steven’s proposed operation, there were some sampled concerns over his deepening state of depression. He was then referred over to Dr. Justin Newman of the Banyan Institutes, a licensed physician who specializes in holistic healthcare, using methods such as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Newman, proposed that through the use of acupuncture and other holistic techniques, he could not only improve Steven’s mental state, but also help with the overall circulation of Steven’s body. At this point, Dr. Newman was the only one who told Steven that there was hope. Most of the sessions with Steven involved conversations about daily things, like television, world events, and wrestling, in order to focus on other aspects and not just on the problem. During Steven’s treatments with Dr. Newman, a startling thing began to happen. Not only was Steven’s mental state improving, but his physical body was also recovering as well. 1 To note, the method that was initiated was a female modality. It was a caring engagement filled with possibilities, rather than the male modality used throughout his stay at the hospitals that all led to cold dead ends.
Early in our recorded history, there was man and woman. The need to survive through the consumption of the things around us was dominant. Women, were responsible for the care of the young and the maintenance of the village. As women harvested and cared for the natural world around them, they established a harmonious understanding with nature and it’s inhabitants. The job of women was to create life through birth and nurture the world that men explored. The 10-months of pregnancy that a woman encounters, gives her a particular intuitive respect for life as she practices patience and understanding of not only her body, but of the life she now carries within her. This caregiver method, much like its counterpart, also evolved and found a restful place within the various industries of the modern world. We can see the practice of these methods within the western medical industry through its nurses. 2
For example, there is a patient expressing a symptom. While the Doctor hunts down the symptom through pre-formulated systematic methods, the nurse, which is a role that fundamentally exercises the thematics of the female modality, engages the patient in conversation and stays with the patient long after the Doctor leaves the hospital. The female modality is warm and caring. However, because the nurse is not seen as authoritative as the Doctor, many of the nurse’s efforts are often times crushed by the Doctor’s diagnoses of the patient. The female modality is essential to proper recovery. Once again. think about this through the eyes of a child. You develop a cold and begin to feel horrible. Who would you want to care for you? 2
Seven years after Steven’s accident and of being treated under the male modality of healthcare, Steven began treatment under a female modality of healthcare. Steven’s treatment while under the care of the Banyan staff was conducted in parts. The first area of focus was to stabilize his mental health and reduce the tremors he was experiencing. After that, the treatments focused on Steven’s core (center of his abdomen) in order to build strength enough for him to stand. 1 Though western Doctors concluded that Steven would never walk or stand again, Dr. Newman felt otherwise. Within a two-year span, of just being treated with Acupuncture, Steven was able to stand and take few steps, an amazing feat by any measure considering his prognosis indicated that he would never walk or stand again. 1 Now three years into his treatment, Dr. Newman and myself, have been seeing Steven on a weekly basis. His ability to stand and walk has greatly improved. Currently, the focus of his treatment is to establish his own independent living skills. He was 16-years of age when the accident occurred and left him with a lack of basic gross and fine motor skills on his left side, atrophy, memory loss, tremors, moodiness, depression and severe brain damage. For the first seven years of his recovery process under the male modality of healthcare there was simply no real recovery. Seven years after the accident he was introduced to the Banyan Institutes offering a female modality of healthcare where a true sense of recovery took place. Barely under 3-years of treatment at the Banyan, Steven had regained his ability to stand and walk, regained his basic motor functions on his left side, improved his memory, reduced the tremors, and established solid sense of humor towards life. My work with Steven under the methodology of Meditative Therapy, accessed the roots of the accident. Why he thought he would never walk again and why? Reassessing these prescribed determinations, is key to a full recovery for Steven. In earlier sessions, Steven was unable to visualize himself walking, standing or running. After about one-month, he was able to see himself walking, running and standing. 1 Since he began to believe this possible reality in his mind, his actual standing and walking strengthened by leaps and bounds. This is similar to the approach taken by professional athletes who for example, visualize the perfect dive, the perfect free throw, or that proverbial hole-in-one. The brain and nervous system do not distinguish between actual walking and imagined walking, it simply responds accordingly.
It is important to understand what truly happened in Steven’s case and the modalities used and how they affected his recovery process. Firstly, a male modality is a system much like the female modality is. It has nothing to do with actual gender other than the origin of the modality. A woman Doctor is as prone to follow a male modality of healthcare as much as a man. It stems from the classical training given to these people throughout their education. As say a male nurse is more inclined to a female modality of healthcare as much as a woman is. It’s all in the education prior to the actual practice. In Steven’s case, he was exposed to the cold hard world of textual fact, which by default is limited by logic. It is heartless and void of emotion. Steven was hit by a car and smashed against a concrete post. The Doctors under this particular belief structure saw the hard reality in front of them and wrote him off as never being able to fully recovering. They immediately limited Steven through their own belief and educational structure. When Steven was introduced to the Banyan, he was also introduced to the first set of people that told him there was hope. It is not that one modality of healthcare is better than the other. It is the attitude that makes the difference. The Banyan told Steven “yes”, while the hospital’s told Steven “no”. One limited him while the encouraged him to spread his wings and fly. That is the main reason why Steven was able to recover while under the Banyan’s care. Other reasons are attributed to the practices of the expressed modalities. The male modality exercised within the hospitals are invasive and uncaring, while the female modality is non-invasive. The proof is in the actions conducted while Steven was recovering. Just taking the example of the Podiatric surgeon that wanted to slice up Steven’s Achilles tendon and install steel rods to straighten out his feet while still embracing his limitation to never stand again, versus a series of minimally invasive. Acupuncture needles that ultimately enabled him to stand and later walk. Though it is hard to see Steven’s perspective on the matter, one can remotely access that one procedure might be more uncomfortable than the other. One has an immediate outcome (steel rods) while the other is based on patience and the will of the patient. 1
I propose a marriage of both modalities. Much like the concepts of Yin and Yang that rightfully declare balance of all things, the same goes for the male and female modalities of healthcare. When, Steven was hit by the car ten years ago, Acupuncture needles would have done very little in his favor. The need to enter a western healthcare facility was unavoidable. There, he was reconstructed so to speak. However, the limitations the Doctors placed on him were a negative note to his recovery process. By the time I was able to see Steven under the practice of Meditative Therapy, he had heard the word “no” too many times. The amount of time it took to uncover the possibility of “yes” took a long time, and in many respects is still a focal point in Steven’s recovery process. What if Steven would have been told yes from the very beginning? Perhaps instead of ten years, he would regain his ability to stand and walk in five years.
What if Steven was never introduced to the Banyan Institutes and their Holistic methods based on a female modality? What would have happened to Steven at that point? It is important to view Steven’s case in particular with “what ifs”. Within the care of the male-based modality of western healthcare, it can be concluded that Steven would not have made as much progress, if any at all. He would have never walked or let alone stand. Steven would have endured countless of surgeries not limited to inserting steel rods in his toes to keep them perpetually straight. A marriage between male and female modalities within the healthcare industry is necessary to guard against the potential “what ifs”, to secure that both patients such as Steven and future cases are handled properly and not simply thrown into the air for chance to care them.
1 Newman, Dr. Justin. Escandon, Robert J. “Banyan Medical Archives.” 2007 - 2009.
2 Dr. Joe Holland. “Male and Female Modalities in Healthcare.” (lecture on male and
female modalities, Miami, Florida, 2009).
3 Perkins, Steven. Personal INTERVIEW. 5th November 2009.