Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Novice Intro Chapter - Tales

It was all at cause of a fatal introduction.

The mind perceives particular events in certain ways. Some events however, are always perceived the same. This happens regardless of condition, rather it is a form of some greater design. Perhaps this design is so grand, that only glimpses are we allowed studying. In pieces, these events mean nothing. Together however, these events paste into one big master puzzle that’s even more mutilated than one’s own perception of what really is. It’s the great scheme of things that’s incomplete, that’s why it’s open to interpretation. Nothing that has ever been done right is open to interpretation.

I remember a black Jaguar, a 1986 model to be precise. To further the description, I’ll add that it’s faded black, with a sun beaten leather interior. I’m sitting next to the Driver, and a friend in the back seat with nothing much to say. I believe that we’re in no condition to speak; nonetheless, we drive at sixty down a residential. Something has scared us bad. Either that, or the paranoia has settled in once again.

Before I got into the Jaguar, I was at this party. The party was at the Kernel’s house. It was a name that they called him from childhood. He’s one of those people, which could be confused for anyone. He is no one and everyone. He’s that guy that everyone knows. The guy that is always around at a distance. He lived in this apartment complex built for college kids. Ten years ago this would have been right for the Kernel. Right for that moment, but not for this one. He throws parties as if it were still 1992. Somehow, amongst all of the Kernel’s festivals, this one felt special. This one in particular felt like a mistake in timing. Something had happened, and I really couldn’t tell what it was. I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to know.

I arrived at the party in my white, 1985 Oldsmobile. It had tints to shield me from any unfriendliness. In darkness of the car, I sat as an observer. Watching those who walked in and out, very carefully. The strategy of arrival, determines the outcome of the evening. The radio was playing one of its generic numbers. Either way my interest was in the people outside. It was odd, the people entering or exiting were, in some way, familiar to me. Even though I didn’t know anyone at glance, they still gave me a feeling of comfort.

I stepped out of the car. Everything halted for a split second. It felt uncomfortable and uneasy for a solid minute. What I knew then, but can’t feel now, is that it was the wrong moment. I felt the pain of realization and the sting of a quiet lack of ignorance. Perhaps the gods would show me favor tonight and let me go. Let me go back into the car, with no one calling out my name in recognition.

“Hey you!”

I was spotted in a moment where choice had left. This moment I now call ‘Circumstance B.’ The glow of this moment in particular, is outlined in my mind. The people that were calling me were complete strangers. I smiled at these people and waved. Their inviting warmth left me with the lack of choice. If I had just sat in that car, I would have been beyond fine. Instead, I decided to go to the other side of the spectrum. 

You can pick up a copy of Novice which is included in my book Dope at amazon.com.


A Revisionist - History

Revising History

When Historians look back into the very books and stories that make up the construct of our society, they look back through their own life perspective. As we know, someone looking back at the events of 1968 for example from the year 1969 will have a different interpretation than that of a person looking back from the year 2008. Perspectives change through 'time' and so does the way we interpret them. It is inevitable to look back into history without having our own perspectives influence how we interpret the material.

Revisionism is the ability to change how we interpret history. Much like revisions of a book, this is the case. History is constantly changing. Funny to hear, but very true. For example, there is a book called "The Tragedy of American Diplomacy" by William Appleman Williams. This book is constantly revised along with the state of the nation. It is always being expanded and added to in order to reinforce the presented argument. The same way this is revised, is the same way Historians and Philosophers apply historical revisionism within the annals of History. 

As our minds and perspective change, so does the way we interpret old material.

Lets think about it momentarily, within the dynamics of the Civil Rights Movement of 1896-1954 that ultimately roots within the American Civil War of 1861-1865. Back then, in cases such as Brown v. the Board of Education that overturned segregation within Educational facilities, they seem fairly easy to figure out from the viewpoint of one standing in 2009.  Integration seems like a logical choice while segregation does not. Our views have expanded and the difference between right and wrong have completely been altered from past popular beliefs . 

Facts are facts. But the interpretation of those facts is bendable through perspective. It's important that this realization truly roots itself within Historical Scholars today. The structure that is presented to us is simply that... a presentation. It is flexible and can bend as it is viewed and studied.

We can look back to the Cold War from the viewpoint of our relative year, 2009. We can see an aspect such as the Space Race as positive. If the cold war would have continued, we would have perhaps made it to other unexplored planets. The tension created within that time frame was needed in order to expand the global perspective. Apollo 8 was the first spacecraft that reached the gravitational pull of the moon. First within its history to do this. The Cold War could be thanked for initiating this type of action. Advancement through global stress. If looked at during the year 1968, it was simply seen perhaps as the Americans beating the Russians. The viewpoint back then, simply for our example was seen as a simple competition between feuding countries for dominance. Now, we view it differently. 

Sitting in 2009, we might view that Pressure and Tension are ingredients that are necessary to accomplish particular goals.

Let it be noted that History is a living and breathing thing. It is organic and built upon Human interpretation and perspective, nothing and nothing less.

Perhaps History itself is always waiting for one to properly interpret it and will never rest until it is rightfully understood.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cloning the Human Condition-Philosophy

The idea of cloning is at first perceived as Science Fiction. Science Fiction is a way of sometimes hiding deep seeded issues as fantasy. The very idea of cloning myself, excavates buried thoughts of life and death. Why would a clone be necessary if all life is interconnected energetically? Energy is everywhere and is interpreted through our own life filters and perceptions. Consequently, cloning human’s stems from a much deeper emotion hidden within the human condition.

The concept of death and its falsehood.

We have been programmed since birth to believe that death innately is unavoidable. When humans are born, they are given what is believed the only certainty in their lives, the guarantee of death. This idea is a very deathist mentality.

To clone or not to clone?

To live or not to live?

The fight for life is the human struggle and a programmed part of the human condition. Humans try to understand the body on a genetic level through the logical mind. Which results in some answers, but a thunderstorm of questions. Much like any exploration, once one is too deep into the cave, remembering what the surface looks like is relatively hard. It’s safe to say that it is easy to become lost within the very structure of the analysis being conducted. Another cause of this idea of cloning is the concept of the oppressed versus the oppressors, the masters versus the slaves. Unconsciously this thematic is very present within our society today and stems back to the very cradle of civilization.

If we create something, are we the masters of these things?

The answer to this is found within oneself, the individual. It differs from person to person simply because reality differs from person to person. In scripture and loose notes, the living God has taught us that humans were created in fact in his/her own image. As God is creator and humans are created in his/her image, by taking the angle of logical breakdown, humans are creators as well. We can feel and see that God holds no interest in controlling the actions of humans or any other life on earth. He/She simply allows the creations to live off the land and essentially live a free life. In this relationship there is neither master nor slave. There is simply life and the pleasures of existence so to speak. 

Life is life.

Whether life takes the form of a human, a dog, a lamp, the chair you sit in or whether it’s the computer you work with. Life is formless, it is only the human mind that perceives life in definitions due to the constant need to understand our surroundings with the logical mind. Existence exists and everything is alive. Life is felt rather than seen or heard. Conclusively, the logical mind truly plays a small part in understanding the very essence and structure of life. Life is felt through emotion, not analyzed through logical and conformist thoughts.

Clones are people.

Simply because we have the means of recreating life, does not mean we hold dominion over such things. A creator is by default an artist. An artist respects his/her work. The same goes for the creations we make as scientists, doctors and painters… they must be respected much like God respects his/her creations.